Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre

children's program

Children's Program's Reference Books

Treasury Of Truth - Illustrated Dhammapada

By: Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero

Dhammapada is considered as a compendium of Buddhist Teaching. It consists of 26 Chapters & 423 Verses. These verses have been preached by Buddha in response to various questions, who were seeking answers into real life, problematic situations. Therefore Dhammapada is an excellent way to grasp important life lessons for our Children.

Dhammapada lessons in English for children

From 06:00pm to 07:00pm

Every Monday

Please use this ZOOM Link to join the Dhamma Program.

You can download or listen to the past sermons of the
"Dhammapada lessons".

You can register your childrens for the programs, by filling below form for the enrollment.

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